Instrument Protection

Brands: Key Surgical | Interlock

Available in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit all instrument protection needs, the perfect tip cap for various instruments, from flat caps to twin caps to instrument holders, and they are available with or without vents, depending on preference. Tip caps are radiopaque, single use, and compatible with steam sterilisation.

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Instrument Holders are designed to protect various delicate instruments using an easy-to-fold design. Instrument Sleeves are single use, and compatible with steam and gas plasma sterilisation.

Instrument Tip Caps are designed to extend the life of surgical instruments. Tip caps protect valuable instruments from unnecessary wear or damage, helping reduce repair costs. In addition to protecting and extending the life of valuable instruments, tip caps also help to protect sterilisation packs from puncture and protect from sharp instruments.


  • Guards and caps in diverse shapes, sizes and materials to ensure the perfect protection of valuable instruments.
  • Single-use tip protectors made of special card or transparent foil as a cost-effective alternative to caps and guards.
  • Cable binders for countless uses, such as the bundling of individual instruments.
  • Sheets for packing tables which, on the one hand, facilitate handling and, on the other hand, protect the instruments from being scratched on stainless steel tables.



  • Flat Claps
  • Round Caps
  • Osteotome Caps
  • Retractor Caps
  • Twin Caps
  • MIS Caps
  • Skin Hook Cap
  • Tapered Caps
  • Instrument Holders
  • Tube and Cable Binders
  • Protection Boards


Key Surgical Instrument Protection

Interlock Instrument Protection


Note: Specifications subject to change without prior notice.